Splodge and splatter paint effects, fish, butterflies and balloons on different backgrounds. Complete with funny sound effects. Splodge is also switch accessible, using a bluetooth switch box.
Splodge backgrounds include mirror, underwater, glowing sun and calming lava.
Simple fun for infants, kindergarten, nursery and pre-school kids.
Splodge is fully switch accessible, using a Bluetooth Switch Access box, such as the RJ Cooper Bluetooth Switch Interface and RJs Bluetooth Super-Switch. Visit www.rjcooper.com/bluetooth-switch-interface/ for further details.
Switch box compatibility:
Splodge can be controlled by assistive technology switches that produce character codes (1, 2, 3, 4 & ~1, ~2, ~3, ~4) - all produce a reaction. A bluetooth keyboard will also control the app, using keys 1, 2, 3 and 4.
Switch 1: Random click on screen to Splodge.
Switch 2: Back
Switch 3: Remove random Splodge
Switch 4: Next (clicking of right arrow).
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